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#BreakTheHeartAche is a public education campaign that focuses on driving awareness on heart diseases in Malaysia.
Jointly organized with Viatris Malaysia, this campaign highlights the need to do early heart screening and seek relevant treatments for the general public.

To enquire more on our cardiac screenings with Dr Al Fazir, drop us your email and message below!


What do you need to know about #BreakTheHeartAche

High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure (BP) is known as hypertension. It is defined as raised systolic BP (SBP) ≥ 140 mmHg and/ or diastolic BP (DBP) ≥ 90 mmHg.

High Cholesterol

High cholesterol is a condition caused by high levels of fatty substance (cholesterol) in the blood.

High Blood Sugar

High blood sugar is a common problem for people with diabetes mellitus. It is important to keep the blood sugar level as near to normal level as possible because having high blood sugar regularly for long periods can result in permanent damage to the eyes, nerves and kidneys.

Want to learn more? Read up in more details of the risks pertaining to the type of CVDs disease!


#LetsBreakTheHeartAche Stories

If you or your family members have experienced heart disease, be our storyteller on #LetsBreakTheHeartAche to help inspire others to reach out!

YOU can be the change in encouraging others to seek early heart screening to curb the severity of heart disease by getting relevant treatments.


Drop us your heart messages and get a chance to be featured on our campaign page! 

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