- 主页
- #BreakTheHeartAche

#BreakTheHeartAche is a public education campaign that focuses on driving awareness on heart diseases in Malaysia.
Jointly organized with Viatris Malaysia, this campaign highlights the need to do early heart screening and seek relevant treatments for the general public.
高血压(BP)被称为高血压。它被定义为收缩压升高(SBP)≥ 140 mmHg和/或舒张压(DBP)≥ 90mmHg。
#LetsBreakTheHeartAche 故事
如果您或您的家人有心脏病,请在 #LetsBreakTheHeartAche 活动一起激励他人伸出援手!

I underwent an angioplasty surgery. Amazingly, my recovery didn't take very long. As a heart disease survivor, I can only advise you to treat each day as a bonus. It might be your last. Make the most of it like people do have a terminal illness. We will not live forever, trust me it's far more enjoyable to live this way. I am speaking from experience.

I had trouble breathing during the period of MCO and my wife rushed me to the hospital.
Dr then found that there were signs of a mild heart attack and was scheduled for an angiogram procedure. Unfortunately, the bad news was I had a widow maker, which was a heart attack in my lower anterior descending artery. This condition is very dangerous and requires a cardiac artery bypass grafting surgery. Ever since then, I consistently make sure I did my regular check ups to ensure I am treating my heart right !

I am in my late 40s and as a woman, I thought that our chances of experiencing heart disease are lower. I was wrong! I went for my medical check-up and found out that I have heart blockage. And I was told that heart conditions like this often are the number ONE silent killer amongst women. I would like to share my message here to all the women out there that never underestimate your health regardless of gender. I am proud to be able to spread this awareness to my friends and remind them to pay attention to their heart

Cardiovascular disease can be a silent killer to many people. More often than not, symptoms as 'harmless' as swelling at the ankles and shortness of breath after exerting ourselves are taken lightly only to find out later on that it may be related to your heart. So many cases of losing our loved ones could have been prevented by early screening. Moving forward, let's be more accountable for our health. Let your love for yourself and the people you hold dear to you be greater than your fear to get checked

Sending loads of good wishes for your fast recovery and good health. Stay strong and keep fighting!!
