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Hasil Klinis


Hasil klinis umumnya di definisikan sebagai hasil dari layanan perawatan kesehatan atau intervensi pada status kesehatan pasien. Dalam perawatan yang berbasis pada nilai , yang penting adalah ukuras kualitas yang signifikan.

Ketika hasil di ukur dan di laporkan, hal ini mendukung peningkatan lebih lanjut dan adaptasi praktek-praktek terbaru yang terbaik menuju tujuan akhir untuk meningkatkan hasil perawatan pasien di Cardiac Vascular Sentral Kuala Lumpur (CVSKL) 

Intervensi Koroner Perkutan/Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI) 

A total of 3642 PCI procedures were performed at CVSKL between year 2020 to 2023

PCI Number of Procedures 2020 - 2023

The median length of stay (LOS) were 2 days respectively for all PCI procedures performed between year 2020 to 2022 and 1 day for procedures performed in year 2023. 

PCI Median Length of stay  (days) 2020-2023

Angka kematian di rumah sakit untuk pasien yang menjalani prosedur PCI di CVSKL lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan angka kematian di rumah sakit yang dilaporkan oleh National Cardiovascular Disease Database (NCVD) untuk PCI. 


PCI In Hospital Mortality Rate (%) 2020-2023


A total of 911 ablation procedures were performed at CVSKL between year 2020 to 2023.

Ablation Number of Procedures 2020-2023

The median length of stay (LOS) were 2 days respectively for all ablation procedures performed between year 2020 to 2023.

Ablation Median Length of stay 2020 -2023

There were no mortality cases reported for ablation procedures performed between years 2020 to 2023 

Ablation Mortality

Perangkat Implan 

A total of 251 device implant procedures were performed at CVSKL between year 2020 to 2023.

Device Implant Number of procedures 2020-2023

The median length of stay (LOS) were 2 days respectively for all device implant procedures performed between year 2020 – 2023.

Device Implant Median Length of stay (days) 2020-2023

There was no mortality reported for device implant procedures performed in year 2020, 2022 and 2023. However, 1 (1.7%) death was reported in year 2021.

Device implant in-hospital mortality rate (%) 2020-2023

Isolated Elective Low Risk (EURO Score <2) Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG) 

A total of 445 Isolated Elective Low Risk (EURO Score<2) CABG procedures were performed at CVSKL between year 2020 to 2023.

Isolated Elective Low Risk EURO Score <2 Nmber of procedures 2020 - 2023

The median post-surgery length of stay (LOS) were 6 days in year 2020 and 2022 and 8 days in year 2021 and 2023

Post Surgery Length of stay 2020-2023

The mortality rate reported was 0% for years 2020,2021 and 2023. There was 1 death (1.5%) reported in year 2022. The overall survival rate for 2020-2023 was 99.78% (mortality rate 0.22%).

Isolated Elective Low Risk EURO Score <2 CABG In hospital Mortality rate 2020-2023


Perbaikan Aneurisma Endovaskular (EVAR), Perbaikan Aneurisma Endovaskular Toraks (TEVAR) & Perangkat Medis Khusus (CMD) 

A total of 131 EVAR, TEVAR & CMD procedures were performed at CVSKL between year 2020 to 2023

EVAR,TEVAR & CMD Number of Procedures 2020-2023

The median length of stay (LOS) were 4 days respectively for all EVAR, TEVAR & CMD procedures performed between year 2020 to 2023.

EVAR, TEVAR CMD - Median Length of Stay (days) 2020-2023

There mortality rate for EVAR, TEVAR & CMD procedures were 4.3% in year 2020, 2.9% in year 2021, 3.1% in year 2022 and 4.8% in year 2023.

EVAR, TEVAR & CMD In-hospitaL mortality rate % 2020-2023

Penyakit Arteri Perifer - Angioplasty 

A total of 255 Angioplasty procedures for Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) were performed at CVSKL between year 2020 to 2023.

PAD Angioplasty Number of procedures 2020-2023

The median length of stay (LOS) were 3 days respectively for all PAD-Angioplasty procedures performed between year 2020 to 2023.

PAD Angioplasty Median Length of stay days 2020-2023

There were 2 (4.2%) and 3 (4.0%) deaths reported in year 2020 and 2023 respectively. No mortality was reported in year 2021 and 2022.

PAD Angioplasty In-hospital mortality rate % 2020-2023

Penyakit Arteri Perifer - Bypass

 A total of 51 Bypass procedures for Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) were performed at CVSKL between year 2020 to 2023. PAD Bypass Number of Procedures 2020-2023

The median length of stay (LOS) was 8 days in year 2020 and 6 days in year 2021 and 2022 and 7 days in year 2023.

PAD Bypass Median Length of stay days 2020-2023

There was 1 (9.1%) death reported in year 2020 and no mortality cases reported between year 2021 and 2023.

PAD Bypass In-hospital mortality rate % 2020-2023

Hasil Pengendalian Infeksi

At Cardiac Vascular Sentral Kuala Lumpur (CVSKL), our ultimate focus is not limited to infection control as we strongly emphasize on infection prevention. The paramount role of infection prevention reduces the risk of hospital-acquired infections, thus protecting and providing a safe environment for our patients, employees, visitors, and everyone walking through our doorstep.

Hasil Survei Kepuasaan Survei 

Evaluasi kepuasaan pasien merupakan kunci dalam menuju perawatan yang berpusat pada pasien. Di Cardiac Vascular Sentral Kuala Lumpur (CVSKL) setiap tanggapan pasien adalah peluang kami untuk meningkatkan diri demi mencapai pengalaman pasien yang sangat baik setiap saat. Hasil surveo kepuasaan pasien di seluruh Rumah Sakit merupakan refleksi dari pasien rawat jalan dan rawat inap yang menilai layanan kami dengan hasil "Sangat Baik" dan "Baik"


Akreditasi, Penghargaan, & Pencapaian

Terakreditasi penuh dan diakui sebagai salah satu rumah sakit jantung terbaik di Malaysia oleh penghargaan regional.

Rumah Sakit Baru Terbaik Tahun Ini di Asia Pasifik

Penghargaan Kesehatan Global dan Perjalanan Asia Pasifik 2018

Tokoh Bedah Kardiovaskular dan Toraks Terbaik Tahun Ini

Penghargaan Kesehatan Global dan Perjalanan Asia Pasifik 2020

Penyedia Layanan Kardiologi Terbaik Tahun Ini

Penghargaan Kesehatan Global dan Perjalanan Asia Pasifik 2021

Masyarakat Malaysia untuk Kualitas Kesehatan (MSQH)

Akreditasi (2019-2023)

Penghargaan Rumah Sakit Perawatan Kardiovaskular Tahun Ini

Penghargaan Merek Tahun Ini BrandLaureate 2023

Tanggal validasi oleh Jaminan Kualitas CVSKL